aka oswego lion   OSWEGO NY 13126







Ryan Zalduondo


A product of SUNY Oswego, Upstate New York's Premier Party School shows off the talents of his education in what appears to be two episodes about the Heidi Allen Case, available on WRVO public radio where he works as an intern.


While Zalduondo admitted he was provided "with a ton of information" ..."from all the court processes", and said he was able to interview most of the central figures in the case of the kidnapping of Heidi Allen, Zalduondo proceeded to write his own fictional account of the facts and events. Some of which, in my opinion border on liable and certainly do not reflect the standards of journalism taught at respectable schools of higher education.



“To have this story put together in a really concise way as a listener to the content has been super fascinating and really sad too,” said Mark Lavonier a producer at WRVO.


Yes, sad indeed that public radio would air this without any regard for its accuracy or intent.






Take notes Ryan Zalduondo
Here you go Ryan this is how you do it. God forbid you get facts right lol Brian Hewitt from Hewitt films cleared up your mess on the pod cast for Gary Thibodeau. Take notes Ryan being in the media you need to learn the proper way to actually present facts and not your opinion. If you want to write an opinion do a blog if you can't follow facts, stay the hell out of the media.


May 6/19

He presented the facts alright and then he sprinkled them with fiction and conjecture. He is just the kind of product you would expect from SUNY Ozwego..





What Zalduondo and his peer did on their trip to the north country is up for debate, but once he gets his party school diploma he will not stick around Oswego County to see the fallout from his contrived reporting.



Ryan Zalduondo
This wanabe journalist/intern for WRVO recreates the Heidi Allen kidnapping with his own interpretation of the facts and facts which did not exist until he came along. If you have followed the postings and documents on this site and then compare to what has been proffered by WRVO you will quickly see not only has this SUNY Oswego student ignored the facts but he has laced the content with biased comments and conjecture.